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3 Quick & Easy Kids Room Decorating Ideas

Decorating your kid’s room can be a challenge for many people because there are simply so many different designs and themes and characters to choose from on the market today. Don’t get caught up in all of that, instead think simple. Start with the basics such as color scheme and furniture and then you will easily be able to finish off the design with matching draperies, rugs, bedding, wall hangings and accessories. You will have your child’s room planned out in no time with these quick and easy design ideas for kids rooms that will help get the creative juices flowing.


  1. Personalized Wall Art – Does your child have a favorite photo of themselves, the family or a favorite place they visited on a vacation? If so, this could be a great starting point for you to help you come up with a color scheme and design for your child’s room. You can take any photo down to your local office supply store and have it blown up into any size that you choose. Have the print blow up into a size that can equally be cut into 4-6 pieces that are the size of a standard frame. Frame each section of the photo and hang each one a few inches apart for a dramatic effect that will instantly become the focal point of your child’s room.


  1. Encourage Creativity – If you have a young child and want a way to allow them to explore and create than this is the perfect idea for you. Pick up a couple of gallons of chalkboard paint at your local home improvement store and make one wall or a section of one wall a chalkboard where they are allowed to draw, color and create masterpieces. Young kids are sure to love this. Add a storage bin of many different colors of chalk and erasers nearby and they are sure to have hours of fun.


  1. Showcase Their Masterpieces – Kids love when you show off their artwork; after all, they are very proud of tier hard work. Let them know that you are proud of their beautiful artwork too by providing them with a place where it is on display. Add a piece of string or ribbon from one end of the room to the other and secure it to each end of the wall. Add clips to the wire where kids can add their new artwork to the line to proudly show off for all to see.







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